Thursday, March 20, 2008

OK .... so what are we all making for Easter Dinner?!
Can you believe it is here already - Wasn't it just CHRISTMAS last week!? -
Come on I need some assistence! We are very new to this cooking our own Holiday meals thing - What are some of your Family Favorites and traditional dishes! Help Me out over here - I have no family to Mooch off of this year!

By the way found this great Easter Egg Decorating Idea off of a friends Blog --- Idea coming from none other than MARTHA herself - I have to say the lady drives me bonkers - but they are coming up with some great ideas over in her "evil" little workshop! JK - she is great.

Stenciled Eggs

Martha did it again! Here is the project in her own words:

With stencils made of waterproof vinyl adhesive tape and cut-out shapes, you can create perfectly rendered patterns on your Easter eggs. Make plaid, polka-dotted, punctuated, or monogrammed eggs, or create your own designs. Any color that you cover with tape will remain unchanged throughout the process. The instructions below are for creating the plaid egg.

Tools and Materials

Food coloring
Waterproof vinyl adhesive tape and stencils
Burnishing tool (available at art-supply stores)
Small bowls
Paper towel

Stenciled Eggs How-To

1. Start with a white egg or one dyed a pale color. Band the egg twice lengthwise with a 1/4-inch-wide masking tape, repositioning as necessary to get a tight fit. Firmly rub the tape with your fingernail or a burnishing tool so that the dye can't seep underneath.

2. Dip egg into dye, raising and dipping until the color deepens as desired. Blot egg with a paper towel. Let dry ten minutes. Remove tape.

3. Band the egg's width with tape at its widest point, then repeat to make smaller circles around each end. (Try alternating wide strips of tape with narrow ones.) Burnish, dye, and dry as before.

4. Remove tape. If you used a raw egg, carefully blow out contents


Jill said...

We always have honey baked ham, funeral potatoes, lots of other things that change year to year and definatly a carrot cake! The three things listed ALWAYS have to be!

Unknown said...

Ditto. Honey baked ham, augratin potatoes, veggie, rolls, deviled eggs, etc. Jill, member our first Easter together. We made a feast for just the two of us in Santa Maria. Anywho, this year my mother in law is making some kind of old fashion pineapple bread pudding. hmmm...sounds interesting. I will let you know. Good luck Chris. We are blessing Lincoln tomorrow and then having a big Easter feast afterwards. Happy Easter everyone.

Chris said...

Thanks Guys - Yay - For Lincoln! He's official! Love him! Happy Easter!

Chris said...

By the way we are bagging the traditional - too much work for just two adults... We are going to have Strawberry Shortcake (White Family Style) bacon eggs and Oj! that sounds way more fun to me....

brooke said...

So I watched that episode!! Love that show, although Martha is so annoying and mean to her guests. =)